Friday, January 5, 2007


ladies & gentlemen, welcome to the financial geeks' blog.

we're a bunch of financial geeks and we would like to share our thoughts with you.

do bear with us for a while cause for a start, we would only cover malaysia market, which is the market that we're most familiar with.

so do drop by once in a while, or everyday if you like, for some investing tips and financial updates!


Financial Geeks


Anonymous said...

Dear all,

As we are all new at this blog, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am the finanCial CiCak! (clap! clap! clap!) thank you, and I hope to guide you all through some of the deep dark holes in the financial world :)

Hopefully we will all gain invaluable knowledge and learn from the tough and painful lessons some of us had the misfortune to go through.

Anyway no more talk ... ACTION!

finanCial CiCak out...

Unknown said...

Yeah! action yo!